JSPS 研究拠点形成事業 A.先端拠点形成型 「強相関分子系の新しい有機エレクトロニクス

JSPS Core-to-Core Program (A.Advanced Research Networks)

Organic Electronics of Highly-Correlated Molecular Systems

Lab Visit from Edinburgh University for Research Collaboration

Lab Visit from Edinburgh University to Awaga Goup for Research Collaboration
Lab Visit from Edinburgh University to Awaga Group for Research Collaboration

March 17-April 11, 2014

Lab Visit from Edinburgh University for Research Collaboration

Awaga Group, Nagoya University, Japan

Ms. Emily Allwright, a graduate student from Edinburgh University, visited Awaga Group, Nagoya University for a research collaboration.

Ms. Allwright's Doctoral Thesis Title:

“Electrochemical Deposition of Small Molecules for Electronic Materials”

Research Summary:

The synthesis of neutral copper dithiolene complexes is limited due to their poor stability in solution. However, stable films of the neutral complexes can be obtained from their anionic salts using potentiostatic electrodeposition. In this project, films of neutral copper and nickel dithiolene analogues were electrodeposited from air-stable salts onto FTO coated glass and interdigitated electrode substrates to investigate the absorbance of the species in the near infrared, as well as their conductivity and magnetoresistance.
