JSPS 研究拠点形成事業 A.先端拠点形成型 「強相関分子系の新しい有機エレクトロニクス

JSPS Core-to-Core Program (A.Advanced Research Networks)

Organic Electronics of Highly-Correlated Molecular Systems

Experiment at the Italian synchrotron radiation facility, Elettra

Experiment at the Italian synchrotron radiation facility, Elettra
Experiment at the Italian synchrotron radiation facility, Elettra Experiment at the Italian synchrotron radiation facility, Elettra

Nov. 17 – Dec. 2, 2014

Experiment at the Italian synchrotron radiation facility

Elettra, Italy

K.Sakamoto, Y.Yaoita

In order to investigate the physical properties of thin films formed by vanadil- phthalocyanine and vanadyl-tetrakis(1,2,5-thiadiazole)porphyrazine with various mixing ratio, Kazuyuki Sakamoto and Yuchi Yaoita of Chiba university went to the Italian synchrotron radiation facility, Elettra to measure the electronic states of these films. Dr. Jun Fujii, beamline scientist at Elettra, and Dr. Yasmine Sassa from ETH Zurich joined the project and helped the measurements. Although more detailed analyses are needed, the photoemission spectra obtained by changing the energy and polarization of the light show interesting results on the interaction between the two molecules in the mixed films.

(Kazuyuki Sakamoto, Chiba University)

千葉大学の坂本一之と八百板祐智は、n型とp型のporphyrazineであるvanadil- phthalocyanineとvanadyl-tetrakis(1,2,5-thiadiazole)porphyrazineの混成比を変えた薄膜の物性を調べるため、イタリアの放射光施設Elettraにおいてこれらの膜の電子状態を測定した。測定はElettraのビームラインサイエンティストである藤井純博士とチューリッヒのETHに所属するYasmine Sassa博士を加えたチームで行った。さらに詳細な解析が必要であるものの、光のエネルギーや偏光を変えながら測定した光電子スペクトルは、混合膜中における両分子間の相互作用に関する興味深い結果を示している。

(千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 坂本一之)