JSPS 研究拠点形成事業 A.先端拠点形成型 「強相関分子系の新しい有機エレクトロニクス

JSPS Core-to-Core Program (A.Advanced Research Networks)

Organic Electronics of Highly-Correlated Molecular Systems

JSPS CtC/Leverhulme Trust 6th Joint Workshop, Montreal 2017

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May 25-26, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core/Leverhulme Trust 6th Joint Workshop, Montreal 2017

Otto Maass Chemistry Buidling, Room OM10, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

40 attendees

Core-to-Core/Leverhulme Trust Joint Workshop, Montreal 2017, “Organic Electronics of Highly-Correlated Molecular Systems”, was held in Otto-Maass Chemistry Building at McGill University in Montreal, Canada on 25-26th May 2017. This workshop is the sixth annual meeting of this core-to-core program, following the meetings in London (2013), Otaru (2014), Moscow (2015), St. Andrews(2106), and Nobosibirsk(2016). This time, Canadian members, Professors Perepichika, Preuss, and Rawson organized the conference location and program, and ca. 40 people attended this workshop.

In the beginning of this workshop, Professors Perepichika and Awaga had an opening remark, and then 28 talks were given mainly by core members, and their young researchers and students for two days. Canadian groups talked about syntheses and physical properties of thiazyl radicals, covalent organic frameworks and its surface chemistry, while UK members gave talks on photoactive supramolecular assemblies and photovoltaics using metal complexes. Japanese groups reported highly-correlated organic electronics related topics and studies on supramolecular chemistry. Furthermore, talks on functional tetrathiafulvalene derivatives and graphene nanoribbons were contributed from Professors in Nottingham Univ. and Laval Univ., respectively. Actually, this workshop covered various topics from fundamental to applications. During coffee breaks, core members, and their young researchers and students enjoyed talking about their research and more each other. This means that this program is going well. In the end of the meeting, Professor Awaga had a closing remark.

The banquet was held in the Faculty Club in McGill University, and we enjoyed delicious French foods with pleasant talks. The final workshop of this program will be held in Nagoya on Nov. 2017, which is organized by Professor Awaga.

During this workshop, it was cloudy and sometimes raining. But we felt spring is coming here. A group photograph was taken in front of Otto-Maass Chemistry Building before lunch of the first day.

(Hirofumi Yoshikawa, Kwansei Gakuin University)

本Core-to-Coreプログラム第六回目の会議が、2017年5月25~26日の日程で、モントリオール(カナダ)・McGill大学にて開催されました。会場となったMcGill大学のOtto-Maass Chemistry Building (Room OM10)は、モントリオールの中心部にそびえ立つ高層ビル群の中にあり、学生たちが行きかう非常に活気ある場所でした。今回は、カナダ側のコアメンバーであるPerepichika教授(McGill大学)、Preuss教授(Guelph大学)、Rawson教授(Windsor大学)が中心となって、会場やプログラムがアレンジされ、当日はコアメンバーとその研究室に所属する若手研究者および学生ら約40名が参加しました。


また、懇親会は大学内のFaculty Clubにて催され、美味しいフランス料理に舌鼓を打つとともに、歓談を楽しみました。会議期間中は、時折雨が降る曇天模様の天気でしたが、春の訪れを感じさせる気候でした。次回は、第7回かつ本プログラム最後の会議が、11月末に名古屋大で阿波賀教授の主催のもと開催される予定です。


(関西学院大学理工学部 吉川浩史)

The Workshop Website
