JSPS 研究拠点形成事業 A.先端拠点形成型 「強相関分子系の新しい有機エレクトロニクス」
JSPS Core-to-Core Program (A.Advanced Research Networks)
July 12, 2013
Kick-off Meeting
Imperial College, London
The Core-to-Core Kick-off Meeting was held at Imperial College, London after MC11. The meeting was opened by Prof. Awaga - “Outline of CtC program” - and presentations were continued, not only by researchers from the Japan, UK and Russia CtC members, but also by invited speakers from Imperial College, and other Universities in the U.K. Various reports were given on topics ranging from new organic semiconductors, and their syntheses, to new device properties in organic electronics and spintronics. In addition, we had an in-depth discussion about the CtC program’s development.
During this meeting we agreed to strengthen the collaboration with Dr. Sandrine Heutz, Imperial College, who hosted this event, and have decided to welcome Imperial College as our official partner of this CtC program.
なお、会場を準備していただいたインペリアルカレッジのSandrine Heutz博士については、今後も連携を深めていくことで意見が一致し、今後は計画を修正してCtCプログラムにも相手国協力機関として参画していただくことにした。